Student & Parent Testimonials
We like to think that ours is a pretty special community, but you don’t have to take our word for it. Keep reading to hear what students and parents love most about Westfield.
“One of my most impactful memories was when you helped me with my case for my eighth-grade mock trial competition. I remember not really knowing what I was doing, and you were so willing to help me, patiently talking me through how to construct a case, and how to apply different legal principles. That experience helped me achieve competitive success and really helped me build my confidence! Overall, Westfield has been instrumental in helping me find confidence in my voice particularly as a South Asian woman navigating a society where our voices are often undervalued. The skills and support I’ve gained here have empowered me to speak up and know that my perspective is valid and necessary in spaces where it might otherwise be overlooked.
Thank you again Mrs. H for all your support over the years, and even now through my college admission process! ”
“I wanted to let you know that I am so grateful for you, and all the amazing opportunities you’ve brought into my life that have shaped who I am as a young woman and student today.”
“I just wanted to say thank you for providing such an amazing platform for discussion tonight! I learned and thought about so many different things that I never would have hadn’t it been for this conversation. Westfield has always been such an amazing place for intellectual discussion and growth so thank you so much!!”
“I am sooooooo excited for the start of Westfield!!!” M.H.
"I now separate my life into BD (before debate) and DD (during debate). I hope it never becomes AD (after debate.)" B.M.
"Working with you in debate has been one of the single most formative experiences of my life." M.C.
"I wish Mrs. Henderson's classes were meeting right now [during the summer] to discuss everything. So many kids have different view points & information to share. It makes it more fun to hear what everyone thinks about the [events]." C.K.
“I really want to give you a huge thank you…for making my experience at Westfield so enjoyable. Not only was I able to develop the typical debate skills and see myself improve as both a thinker and communicator, but I was also able to learn from fellow students who were among the most intelligent, thoughtful, and kind individuals I have ever met. It is honestly hard to articulate how grateful I am for my academic and personal growth due to Westfield, and I definitely hope to stay in touch!” G.M. (a high school senior)
"Thank you so much for all the support and experience you bring to debate!!" G.P.
"I just wanted to thank you for being such a great and dedicated teacher! My parents forced me to sign up for your class my first year and I was terrified on my first day! I've become so much more comfortable with public speaking and it's all thanks to you!" H.A.
"I have my time at Westfield Academy listed prominently as I consider it to be one of the major experiences that has shaped my academic self today." A.S. (from a graduate of Westfield)
"You are my favorite teacher!!" M.S.
"My experience has been amazing, I have become a better speaker, listener, and overall a better person." G.S.
"Thank you for taking your time helping me prepare for my first debate competition! I really learnt a lot today and really like it. Also thanks for offering me a lot of extra help and assigning me an excellent partner. I really want to [do another] debate competition! J.Z. (an international student from China)
“Westfield has bettered me both as a debater and a person and I have learned so much in the time that I have been a part of it.” J.G.
"I just got back from an informational meeting for a Speech & Debate Club at my school, and it makes me appreciate your class SO much more. Just wanted to say how much your program meant to me and how much I appreciate it - especially now. Miss you all so much and just wanted to say Thank You!" C.H. (from a student who moved out of state).
"I have debated for Westfield longer than I have lived in any one place or gone to any one school. Debate has given meaning and significance to the intellectual pursuits I have always enjoyed and it has brought me into contact with amazing people. It is not an exaggeration to say that it has been one of the most important elements of my life." J.W.
"You were so supportive and kind to me, I want to thank you so, so much." G.P. (from a former Westfielder who is now in college).
"You're so sensitive to and aware of class dynamics that it's hard to get left behind in your class. One of the many joys of being a Westfield student!" M.C.
"You are an amazing, extraordinary teacher! Debating is so fun!" B.B.
"I loved taking debate and MUN at Westfield, and I definitely miss it. You were an excellent coach and my experience in debate helped me tremendously in my academic work afterward." A.S. (from a graduate of Westfield)
"I wanted to personally reach out to you and thank you for welcoming me as part of the Westfield family, which has helped me evolve both as a debater and person in such a short span of time." K.D.
"I always will look at Westfield as my favorite place to debate." D.T.
"Classes at Westfield Academy are something unique and totally amazing. Each class is tailored to the participants, even while so much more than the art of debate is taught. A typical two-and-a-half hour class includes a brush-up on current events, one or two debates, and sometimes a round-table, or a lesson in ethics. The classes are interactive, with students pointing out new information, presenting new ideas, and giving constructive criticism the entire time. All this leads to a very supportive environment, and the students are extremely friendly and helpful both in and outside of class. Overall, debating with Westfield Academy is a wonderful experience" K.A.
"The Debate was extremely fun! We got the third best team but it was only because of you and your wonderful teachings!" A.A.
"You have gone above and beyond in helping me with debate, accepting me into the Westfield family, and encouraging me to pursue my goals for the future." D.H.
"I believe my time spent debating helped me to rid myself of stage fright and become a braver, certainly more convincing person." A.S. (from a graduate of Westfield)
"I just wanted to thank you for all your years of help. You helped build my confidence in Public Speaking. Thank you so much Mrs. H!! You're the best!" (Sent by a student who had just got selected to be in an Off-Broadway production). D.M.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you for the love, learning, and love of learning you've offered me." M.C.
"You truly are the best teacher I have ever had!" Z.S.

Learn more about our programs.
“Julie & Ann, As parents, we are incredibly grateful for the exceptional coaching and mentorship you both provide. Watching these kids grow not only as skilled debaters but also as confident individuals and collaborative team members is truly inspiring. Seeing all these Westfielders evolve under your guidance and support is exciting and rewarding. Thank you for all that you do to help them succeed! — ”
“Thank you Ann for all your support and guidance! We are amazed by her progress and this won’t happen without your and Julie’s wonderful coaching! ”
“I think you are offering our young people one of the most unique and powerful opportunities they could come across.”
"What a gift your program is!" L.M.
"Westfield Academy of Debate, Model UN and Leadership is one of the best academic enrichment schools on the east coast." K.W.
"This experience has been fantastic for my kids. Thank you for being so dedicated to the kids!" D.U.
“Ann Henderson is a brilliant teacher. I highly recommend her program, based on my son's past two years' participation in her weekly debate program.” P.S.
"I'm so happy that my daughter is part of this wonderful educational and social experience." R.W.
"I'm amazed by the Westfield program. It's depth and varied opportunities have opened a whole new world to my son." M.N.
"I have been so delighted with the skills he is learning at Westfield. It has been a wonderful experience for [my son]." C.H.
"Westfield has been a life changing experience for our family. [Our daughter] has learned life long skills, our family has made lifelong friends and somehow along the way our worldview became much broader and our appreciation of all the little moments more precious." K.G.
"I just wanted to let you know how HAPPY my daughter is about debate!!!!!! And I wanted to Thank You for all your efforts, all the little and big things you do for these kids." C.P.
“Thank you for all that you do – your work has such an important impact on so many young lives!” C.F.
“Thank you SO much for such a great season! [My son] has really loved and enjoyed being a part of this amazing Westfield family!” S.M.
"What you are offering is so much more valuable to me than ANYTHING [my child] has at school. And it's a highly rated school!" C.H.
"[T]hanks for all of the great work that you and your team do - amazing is a quick word that comes to mind." W.D.
“We are thrilled with the class and the school and you…Thank you for everything you do. The school is a absolute gem and we tell everyone about it.” A.P.
"I love the way my daughter listens and thinks about what she says. These are skills she learned in your classes over the years. Thank you." R.W.
"Thank you for your positive presence in our world." (Parent of former debater; email sent 6 years after her child graduated from Westfield)
"I loved what you did with the children -- so precise, so thorough... There's just no substitute for a great teacher." H.S.
"You have a way of staying oriented in a positive direction, which is constructively powerful. I am impressed. Thank you for the impact you are having in all the these young people's lives!" J.B.
"Just sending you gratitude and appreciation for the work you’re doing with children! You are offering the world a very valuable service!! Thank you!!" E.R.
"Westfield Academy is the "real deal"! They will help get our children better prepared for high school and college! I never knew all the opportunities that one could receive by participating in debate and Model UN." K.W.
“[My son] is doing great at Tufts, he loves it. He mentioned to me just the other day that his experience with Westfield has helped him significantly with his philosophy class and his essay writing. He also made the Varsity debate team at Tufts that was very competitive. Approximately 100 folks tried out and they only accepted 20, so you should be as proud as he and we are!!!” S.F. (Parent of freshman who was a former student at Westfield and debated with Westfield throughout high school).
"I want to thank you for the opportunities [my daughter] has had over the years while taking your classes. It seemed like just another class at first but it's amazing to watch the progress over the years. It's more than confidence in public speaking, it's learning how to think and communicate. We have some pretty interesting discussions around the supper table. I find that I have to do my homework sometimes. Just wanted to say thank you." R.W.
"We are so grateful that we found you and this program. Thank you for all your efforts." D.M.
“My daughter loves [debate] class! She is very inspired and motivated to attend weekly.”
"I am so grateful to you for giving [my daughter] a voice. She has acquired skills in public speaking that many adults, including myself, have never achieved. In addition, MUN has provided wonderful opportunities for her to learn about the world." R.W.
“I am so glad my son has the opportunity to interact, learn from and be surrounded by such wonderful people! He loves debate class and I have seen his overall confidence grow and that is quite a gift, so thank you!”
"According to my son, debate is the 'only' class that's important in life!" K.K.
"I am writing to thank you so much for everything you've been teaching my daughter. She enjoys debate class very much, and is lucky to have you for a teacher... She has learned so much in just the short time she's been with you, and debating skills will be so helpful to her in so many aspects of her life in the future. We are so grateful to you for your excellent teaching style; our daughter has grown as a person through your teachings."
"[My boys] are learning so much. I feel grateful for you and your program!" D.B.
"Thank you for offering the great learning opportunity for kids. My son loves to go there every Thursday for the intro debate and public speaking class. I plan to send him for the summer camp too." L.D.
"I am so grateful to you for the way you guide and support my daughter. You have a gift." A.S.
“My son had such a wonderful time today. He turned to me this afternoon and said, ‘I can hardly wait until next class.’” J.O.
"[My son] is enjoying the experience so much! Thanks for making it so great for him!" S.L.
"Thank you so much for letting us come to Westfield today. I thought your class was wonderful. I was impressed with your ability to correct the children in a direct but gentle way, and with the depth and range of ideas covered. The children were so engaged! You even had [my younger son's] attention. I had passed him a book to occupy himself and he passed it back with a whisper: 'Do I have to read this? It's so interesting, what they're saying!'" H.S.
"Please know that you are an amazing instructor and we are thankful to you for the experience!" E.D.
"Thanks for being an awesome mentor." R.G.
"I loved the whole feeling in the building, the things you were teaching, the way you asked a lot of the kids but at their level. I can see why people rave about Westfield." C.H.
"The kids are a complete pleasure. I always walk away more hopeful about the future of humanity. I have the utmost respect for everything you are doing." N.M.
"This experience has been fantastic for my kids. Thank you for being so dedicated to the kids!" D.U.
"Westfield Academy is one of the jewels of homeschooling in CT." V.V.
"Thank you for serving the kids in our community!" E.B.
“I just love how much debate has done for my daughter and for her self- confidence.”
"What a great job you are doing for these students." L.L.
"I have tremendous admiration for the program you have built, and can only guess at how much of yourself you have invested in it. Westfield makes me wish my own public school had had a debate team!" G.G.
"I am convinced that public speaking and respectful debating is a very valuable skill. Too bad our politicians don't set a better example. I wish I had had the opportunity to develop skills in public speaking. I thank you for helping [my daughter] find her voice." R.W.
"Thank you for nurturing and building confidence in these young minds." D.C.
"We want to get [our son] to your classes as soon as we can- he was so fired up after coming back from the summer camp this year." S.G.
"A couple of family members have commented to me that my son has matured and is participating more in adult conversations. I know this is in part due to his involvement in Westfield Academy! So, he still may be the quietist kid you have with you, but he’s finding his voice! S.C.
"Congratulations on all these wonderful outcomes. I know it's not about the awards but they are an indicator of the caliber of the kids' training and the depth of the education you're giving them. So glad you are doing this work in the world...You're an inspiration!" B.D.
"I am so glad that my son is a part of Westfield Debate family not just for debating but more for the values, passion, commitment and hard work that you all stand for." P.Y.
"I just wanted to send you a personal note of thanks- my daughter had her first MUN conference this weekend since moving out of state and starting high school and she won outstanding delegate on the ECOSOC committee. I know she was well prepared and confident going into this conference due to her experience at Westfield. She has also stated many times since starting school that the skills she learned in the Westfield classes were excellent preparation for her high school classes. Thanks for all you have done and continue to do to prepare students for school and life!" A.L.
“My son is begging to do more debate.”
"Ann, you and Michael are truly amazing!!!! Your vision and support are unparalleled. I can't thank you enough." K.G.
"Just wanted to say thanks for everything. My son has grown and matured so much and I know he'll take these lessons with him throughout his life. As I am sure you know, my son has absolutely adored Westfield Academy since the very first day he started. Of everything about Connecticut, this is what he will miss the most. Thank you for running such a wonderful program." (from a family moving out of state). TB
" My daughter is REALLY enjoying debate! Says she had fun every time I pick her up and says that math and debate are her 2 favorite classes. So thank you so much!" D.U.
"My kids have learned so much from you (and your family), so you deserve a huge amount of credit for how they conduct themselves. They are a reflection of all those good things" A.M.
"Fantastic program -- Ann does a great job engaging the kids' interest & minds. Totally recommend, 2 thumbs up!" J.P.
"My kids absolutely loved your classes and even though we're ready to move back to our favorite place--the desert, they know that they will miss all of their classes and friends at Westfield Academy. Thank you for everything!" K.S.
"Ann, your work to empower youth to find their voice, inspires me to find mine and support others to be brave and find theirs." L.L.
"Thanks again for today. Both boys had a great time......I have been trying for years to get my son's teachers to see in him what you saw in an hour and a half. I started to give up hope that I would ever be able to communicate his talents in a way that they could be fully exploited so he can grow to be the best kid he can be. What you showed me today is that I DO know him well and that it is not HOW I was delivering the information it was WHO I was delivering it to. For that I am grateful." D.
“What a great group of kids!”
"Thank you so much for everything you are doing with the kids. Their success begins with you!" M.H.
"[My son} really likes going to class and talks a mile a minute all the way home about the class and topics." W. D.
"I wanted to let you know what an amazing time my daughter had at the competition on Saturday. She says she loves debate and can't wait for the next competition. She also had such a good time with her fellow Westfielders!" D.S.
“Thank you for being the amazing coach that you are. Our kids are lucky to have you!”
"My husband and I just want to thank you for making today's day successful for our daughter: not because her team won, but because her self esteem won. It was important that this day would be positive and it sounds like it was way beyond expectations for her. So, again, thank you for making it possible." V.V.
"I think there is no greater compliment than hearing a student who wants to spend time learning! Thank you for providing that atmosphere for him (& others)!!!" H.K.
"The kids love their classes and I want to thank you for being such a fabulous teacher." K.S.
"Just wanted to write a special note of thanks for all the work you have put in making the girls so good. My daughter is delighted as this is her first ever debating competition." R.B. (sent after daughter got 2nd Place Overall Team at her first debate competition).
"So thankful to be a part of your school of debate!" A.B.
“Thank you and your staff for what you do. What a great mission and what great achievements! The debate programs you provide add one more reason for a great community I feel I am in!” J.O.
"Oh fine Ann Walsh Henderson! Fine, fine, fine no longer do I have a child who accepts things at face value, is overwhelmed by global issues or believes a history book tells the whole story. No longer are events a dot on a time line instead they are multifaceted diamonds with lots of sides to be explored and challenged. Thanks for an amazing and empowering year." K.G.
"Thank you for all the work you put into this - it is a truly valuable way to change the world!" J.B.

Get to know our community
“Congratulations for your magnificent mission and achievements. I am confident your students are stars with your leadership.”— Dr. Natalie D. Hahn, Deputy director of the Programme Funding Office of UNICEF, Founder and President of the Malaika Foundation
“I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude for your invaluable support and for allowing your students to participate in ChargerMUN 2023. Your dedication to the Model United Nations program has had a profound impact, and we greatly appreciate your continued commitment to fostering a culture of learning and diplomacy. Your students were exceptional delegates, demonstrating not only their knowledge of global issues but also their superb diplomacy skills. They actively engaged in thoughtful discussions, showcased impressive negotiation abilities, and contributed significantly to the overall success of the conference. Their participation enriched the experience for all attendees and made ChargerMUN 2023 a memorable event. As your program received our team award of Distinguished Delegation, you will receive a plaque commemorating this great achievement.“
— Charger MUN Secretary General 2023
“I hope you can come [to this year’s conference]. Your kids were superstars and set great examples!”— Kingswood Oxford Model United Nations Coordinator
“Westfield Academy has been such a great participant in our Outreach Program....It is always a joy to have Westfield Academy join us for the Forums.”— Connecticut Youth Forum Program Director
"Thanks so much for inviting me to speak with your very impressive students from Westfield Academy. I was impressed by their knowledge, their maturity and their ready intelligence and ability to communicate with clarity and intelligence. Congratulations to them all and to you and your fellow staff members who have managed to pull them together for a summer of such interesting, important work. " - Distinguished Speaker, Judge Michael Sheldon of the Connecticut Appellate Court
"Thanks a lot for inviting me to exchange thoughts with such attentive and keenly curious youngsters. I was richly rewarded by their questions and insights. I came home raving about them! " - Distinguished Speaker, Dr. Okey Ndibe, Acclaimed novelist, political columnist and professor—most recently at Brown University and Trinity
Summer Camp Testimonials
“I would like to thank the donors for providing E. with the opportunity to participate in Westfield Academy's debate camp. The skills he learned will help to shape his future and this experience will help to enhance his communication skills. Our family thanks you for your generosity and support of Westfield Academy. We really appreciate the opportunity you have provided for E. and all the other scholarship recipients.” A.L.
"My daughter was so pleased with the whole debate camp experience. I'm so glad she had the opportunity to experience your debate magic!" B.D.
"My son was so thrilled to attend debate camp last week. And the past few days debate has been coming up a lot... 'that would make a good debate,' 'when we were at debate camp...', etc. Really a wonderful experience, and I was very happy I got to see all they accomplished in just 5 short days". A.D.
"This program was excellent. Both of my children loved it! And it was lots of fun to watch the debates the last day." L.C.
"I can't tell you what a great time my three kids had with you and your crew last week at camp!!!! They all just LOVE debate!" H.T.
"Words really can't express how much I, as a parent, want to thank you for these last three weeks. They have sincerely been magical. My son has come home every single day full of confidence and pride and joy. But even more than that, I've watched him grow exponentially more confident and mature. It's been amazing to see. THANK YOU for taking such good care of him and for the truly life changing experience!"
"My son found his niche! I can never thank you enough!" " A.M.
"Just wanted to let you know that both my girls enjoyed their first few days of camp so much and were very excited to go back today". M.D.
"Thank you so much for such a wonderful week! My son had a marvelous time. So much so, that I don't believe he realized just how much he was learning!" H.K.
"My son loves debate camp! He was full of animation on the car ride home today. :-) He said he wants to take the weekly class in the fall." J.N.
"Thanks so much for all your hard work. My daughter had such a great week she wants to return for another! She is looking forward to another week of debate camp next week." A.L.
"My girls LOVED camp!" K.R.
"This camp is outstanding!" B.L.
“Where do I even start? It has been an amazing opportunity to be a part of Westfield Summer Camp and to take part in this Debate camp. At first, I was very shy and thought that I wouldn't understand anything, but when I participated, everyone filled with so much kindness and was so polite, and I learned so much and had so much fun. I would rate the experience 10 out of 10 and definitely recommend this Camp and I will be joining!
I am truly grateful for the scholarship because without the donation towards the scholarship I wouldn't be able to join the camp and I would have missed learning how to solve real world situations. I really enjoyed it.
"Special Thanks"
Thanks to my teacher, you are an exellent teacher and never hesitated to explain every time I didn't understand something, keep up the good work.
I can proudly say this was an Wonderful Experience.” J.U.
"Camp was only vaguely like what I had imagined it to be; and 100% better that my expectations!" K.A.
"Summer camp was a great experience - not only did I develop and hone critical skills such as debate, public speaking, research abilities, critical thinking, and speech writing but it was also a lot of FUN! I got to meet many great people, and I learned about a wonderful community that prior to my attendance I had no idea existed." B.M.
"Debate camp is a fun, energetic and friendly way to spend a week of your summer vacation. And with very caring and encouraging teachers and assistant teachers as well as outgoing and supportive classmates, Westfield debate camp is a definite way to have fun and most certainly to find your voice!" Z.S.
"When I started at Westfield Academy of Debate and Public Speaking, I knew nothing about debate. In just one week, not only did I learn how to debate, but I also had a lot of fun! The environment was very supportive, and really helped me improve. Plus, I made some good friends too. In addition to debate, their public speaking program is top notch. I had some one-on-one time with an award winning public speaker, and that really helped me. It was through this camp that I became very enthusiastic about debate. I cannot recommend it enough." C. H.
"Thank you for doing this program and creating this wonderful experience." K.A.
"I really loved camp. I also learned a lot about debating." D.M.
“I now like debating as much as sports and I love sports! Who knew debating could be so much fun?!!” R.K.
"The debate topics can be anything from the implications of cloning Neanderthals to whether you would receive a better education at Harvard or Hogwarts." K.A.
"I now separate my life into BD before debate and DD during debate I hope it never becomes AD after debate." B.M.
"It was just plain fun!" O.S.
In response to a question about what the camper's least favorite part of camp was: "The end!" B.M.