2025 Dates

Week One (Debate & MUN): June 23- 27

Week Two (Debate & MUN): June 30- July 3

Summer Classes (Tuesdays and/or Friday)

Each week’s debate topics and MUN simulations are unique, so students can sign up for any number of weeks!

Classes begin July 15 and go until August 22


Week 1 (Five Days, 20 hours total): 8:45*am - 12:45pm ET, Monday to Friday

Week 2 (Four Days, 20 hours total): 8:15*am - 1:15pm ET, Monday to Thursday

*Each week, campers are invited to come together earlier, at 8:20am (week 1) or 8:00am (week 2) for some pre-instruction fun and socialization. Instruction will not start officially until 8:45 or 8:15 am, so arriving early is optional. We encourage you to come hang out!

Weekly Classes: 8:00 am - 9:30 am ET:

Tuesday offerings- Debate for all ages (Elementary, Middle, HS) & MUN Classes; Friday Offerings- Middle School and High School Debate


Summer Program Weekly Tuition - $525 per week

Summer Classes Tuition - $265 per week

Advanced Program - $150

This is in addition to weekly tuition.

Our advanced programs are by application only. Learn more (including seminar topics and tracks) here.


  • Early Bird: $20 off when you register by 3/31/25

  • Multiweek: $20 off when you register for both weeks

  • Sibling: $20 off when you register more than one sibling (applies to each sibling after the first registrant)

Total coupons cannot exceed $40 per program week registered.