Build Your Own Class
Do you live somewhere other than the U.S.? Check out our custom classes for international students.
Take advantage of Westfield’s experienced instructors and engaging curriculum at a time that works for your family.
Are your kids uninspired by remote learning? Are you finding yourself in need of curricular structure and educational experience? We’ve got you covered.
Westfield is proud to offer custom virtual classes for small groups taught by knowledgeable Westfield teachers. The best part? These classes have a completely flexible start date and can begin at any time of the year.
How the Build-Your-Own-Class System Works
The basic unit for a Westfield class is six students. This is both because it’s a number of speakers that works well for debate and also because we’ve found it’s an excellent size to encourage active engagement in a virtual format.
Got a group of six or more students ready to go? Great news.
Step One: Your first step is to reach out to Madeleine, our coordinator. She’ll be happy to set up an email or phone consultation to answer any questions you might have about the program.
Step Two: Provide us with a list of class times that works for your group. You will then be paired with an experienced Westfield instructor, who will put together a custom, virtual class for your students. The class content will be tailored to the students’ skill levels and interests, as well as adjusted to fit with the requirements of any local debate leagues, and based on Westfield’s signature curriculum.
Don’t have a group of six kids yet? Don’t worry.
Step One: You should still start by reaching out to Madeleine (our coordinator) and expressing your interest.
Step Two: Madeleine will work to connect your student with other interested parties.
Step Three: Once we have a big enough group with compatible schedules and ages and interests, we’ll get you matched with an instructor and your class will get started pretty quickly.
So go ahead and get your class together. We’re looking forward to it.
What We Teach
Westfield debaters engage with contentious modern issues from all sides, forging a deep understanding of complex topics.
We welcome students of all experience levels, debate backgrounds and a variety of ages (8-18), and our student-centered approach is designed to help every debater achieve their potential. Our ultimate focus is on teaching the essential debate skills of critical thinking and public speaking.
Interested in learning more about the value of debate? Check out our introduction to the activity.
Model United Nations
Our Model U.N. program focuses on developing essential diplomatic skills such as communication, strategy, leadership, consensus building, high-level research, and public speaking. Our students are given constant opportunities to discuss current events and they get to put that knowledge into practice during dynamic in-class simulations. Westfield Model U.N. students actively explore international relations and global affairs to deepen their understanding of their world.
Not sure what Model United Nations is exactly? Learn more here.
And More!
Westfield has a strong network of experienced educators with expertise in a variety of areas. Our team of educators has taught classes on literature, history, and creative writing. If you are interested in putting together an academic class in any discipline, we can find you an accomplished teacher who can make it happen.
Get started building your own class focusing on any of these subjects by contacting us today.
Please contact us for more information about pricing.
We know that virtual learning is hard, and there’s no need to go it alone.
Westfield instructors have spent months refining their online classes and we’ve learned a lot in the process.
Read more about our virtual learning experience and response to the global pandemic here.
Lingering questions?
Contact Madeleine, our coordinator, at madeleinechill@gmail.com to set up a phone or email consultation.
Looking for more individualized learning? We tutor too!
Westfield draws from a pool of accomplished competitors and experienced educators. Reach out to us and we will be happy to connect your child with a tutor who can help them meet their specific goals—whether they be in the realms of debate, MUN or beyond.